If you would like to review the details of our Wellness Plans, please click here.
Wellness Plan Contract
TERM OF CONTRACT: Your Wellness Plan starts on the day of signing and will remain in effect for a period of twelve (12) months. If this Agreement is renewed before the end of the term, the Enrollment Fee will be waived for the new term. Olympic Village Veterinary Clinic (OVVC) reserves the right to adjust monthly fees or cease to provide Wellness Plans at any anniversary date.
DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES: Your Wellness Plan covers all the services listed on the detail page issued to you and attached to this document (click here), and only those services. Services will be provided during visits that are scheduled appointments during regular office hours only. Any services provided by OVVC outside of this Agreement must be paid at the time they are rendered.
Specifically, your Wellness Plan does not include the following services or expenses:
any services provided by veterinarians not employed by OVVC;
any services provided by a clinic other than OVVC;
services resulting from the Patient’s illness or accidental injury;
treatment for unpredictable, unanticipated, or abnormal conditions including without limitation, vaccine reactions, retained testicles, umbilical hernias, and tooth extractions;
diagnostic tests and treatments needed during appointments.
DESCRIPTION OF FEES: You agree to pay the annual fee and Enrollment Fee, if applicable, for the Wellness Plan (click here for pricing). No refunds or credits will be provided for any Wellness Plan services not utilized by you during the term. You will pay for the Wellness Plan by either:
Equal monthly payments by credit card. A processing fee of $30 will be charged for any rejected charges; or
In full at the time of signing this Agreement, in which case the Enrollment Fee will be waived.
Monthly payments will be administered via automatic payments to your credit card. You will receive an invoice each month for the monthly payment. You are responsible for ensuring the credit card information is accurate and current.
SUBSTITUTIONS: Substitution of included services is not permitted. Upgrading of services is permitted, and you will be responsible for the difference in price at the visit.
TRANSFERABILITY: The plan is not transferable and applies only to the patient identified at the time of enrollment for as long as it is owned by the same owner. Services are good only at OVVC.
MULTIPLE PET HOUSEHOLDS: For multiple pet households, one Enrollment Fee will be charged when more than one pet is enrolled at the same time. You may be required to have similar pets identified by permanent ID (microchip or tattoo) unless all similar pets are covered under a Wellness Plan.
CANCELLATION: If you cancel this Agreement, or if the patient dies, or if the patient ceases to be owned by you, or you move outside of a 5km radius of OVVC, then the following rules shall apply:
If you cancel this Agreement before any Wellness Plan services are rendered, the entire amount paid for the Wellness Plan for the current year will be refunded to you, minus the Enrollment Fee, which is non-refundable.
If you cancel this Agreement after any Wellness Plan services are rendered, you are responsible for the lower amount of the following:
The entire amount of the Enrollment Fee and the Wellness Plan annual fee; or
The full amount of OVVC standard prices of services already rendered.
If you re-apply to a Wellness Plan after cancellation, you will be charged an Enrollment Fee.
TERMINATION BY OVVC: If you fail to pay any installment within fifteen (15) days of it’s due date, OVVC may immediately terminate this Agreement. Upon termination, you will be liable for the lesser amount of:
All remaining installments owing for the Wellness Plan; or
The full amount of OVVC standard prices of services already rendered, minus any monthly payments already paid.
Any amounts outstanding after thirty (30) days following default will be subject to monthly interest at a rate of 2%.